Friday, January 17, 2014

REVIEW: Fracture Me by Tahereh Mafi

Fracture  Me by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me # 2.5

Published Dec. 17. 2013 - Harper Collins

68 Pages

Source:Kindle Version bought. 

Links: Goodreads / Amazon

In this electrifying sixty-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, discover the fate of the Omega Point rebels as they go up against The Reestablishment. Set during and soon after the final moments of Unravel Me, Fracture Me is told from Adam's perspective.

               My Thoughts                

Good but a bit repetitive after reading Unravel Me.

I love reading novellas, they are short and sweet and most of the times they give up some insight that lets us dig deeper into a character, but Fracture Me was a bit different.  I just finished reading Unravel Me, clearly just swayed over to team Warner, so I was expecting Fracture Me to help me understand Adam a bit better. 

What I did like: I did like seeing how devoted of a brother Adam has become, and where his priorities lie. 

What I didn't like : I felt that Fracture Me was a bit repetitive in the sense that we were now reliving a scene that I had just read earlier in Unravel Me, yes it was in Adams POV, but in Destroy Me  ( the novella from Warners Perspective ) We learned about what was going on when Juliette wasn't around, not necessarily telling the scene all over again.  

Over all it was a good short read but it didn't do as much for me as Destroy Me did. 

Rating: 3 Stars !  


  1. Too bad you didn't love it. I'm planning on reading Fracture Me soon and I don't really know if I should read it or not. I've seen lots of reviews where it says that they didn't like Adam better. This does sound a bit repetitive.

    -Ariella @ Secrets of Lost Words

    1. it you read it and don't love it, your not at a big loss , its so short.. and i personally would hate not to read a book in a series, even if it is a novella . but if you do read it, id love to know what you think ! thanks for stopping by ! - Katie
