Friday, January 17, 2014

Inspired Friday: Painted Globe

Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk

 We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two! Take part in our weekly meme and link back to us ! 

You don't have to actually craft anything "be inspired". Show us something you maybe have done, want to try, or even a cool looking book nook or library, Whatever inspires you! Happy Weekend! 

Painted Globe

Happy Friday guys!!!

I think this is such a super cute idea,  you can take a cheap glob and make it super cute and rustic-y. 

I love how even though the rest of it is painted white you can still see some of it. but the love stands out. 

Great thing to have on a bookshelf too.. just saying 

Happy weekend ! Hope your surviving the cold! 


  1. My first Inspired Friday this week! I love the globe idea, but I'd be worried that I'd over-paint and not get the same results as the picture you posted. LOL!

    1. yay Hazel, thanks for taking part! yeah thats true i guess you have to paint it lightly .. because if its too much it will just be solid white and and you wouldn't see through it ( which i like )!

    2. Exactly! And I'm pretty sure I've got lead fingers. LOL! =)

  2. Nice inspiration, Katie! You're right, it's something cool to have on a bookshelf :)
