Hello publishers and authors.
If you are interested in having us review of feature a book of yours here at Inkk Reviews, here is some information you should know:
Book Format
***Inkk Reviews is currently not accepting any new books for review at the moment. We currently have so many great Review copies, and want to make sure that we take the time to catch up on our reading and give each book the attention it deserves. (1/11/15)***
Genres We Review:
Young Adult: Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy mostly , Some Action Adventure, Mystery, Thriller, General Fiction.
Middle Grades: we do review a limited variety of Middle Grades books. If you have a book you would like for us to review, please look through our "Book Archives" and see if it would be something we would like.
Adult: Paranormal
We will not read a series book out of order. If you would like me to review a book that is not the first in a series, I request that a copy of the earlier book be provided (if I have not already read it).
What our Reviews include:
- Cover image
-Title & Author
- Publisher name & Date released
- Pages
- Series info ( if accapable )
- A link to purchase the title at Amazon.com
- Synopsis ( via Goodreads)
- Source ( ARC, bought, etc.)
- Trailer ( if avaliable, via you tube )
- A review by either Katie or Krisha, or both
- Our rating ( see rating system below)
** All Books Reviewed by us will also be posted on our Goodreads account, and Amazon
Katie's Goodreads Profile
Krisha's Goodreads Profile
Amazon Profile
Inkk is more than happy to host author interviews, giveaways, guest blogging and other promotional events. Just contact us!
If you think we would enjoy your book Please email us!
When emailing us, please include:
- The title of the book
- A quick summary
- Release date (if applicable) and the date by which you'd like the book reviewed and posted
- Picture of the cover
- Any other information you'd like me to know about the book (please do not send quotes from other reviewers about your book)
By accepting a book for review, we will do our best to read and post a review in a timely manner. If the book is an ARC copy, we will publish the review before or on the release date. Again, let me know in the email.
All reviews published will be the honest opinion of the reviewer and could potentially contain some negative comments about the book. My reviews will never be malicious, but they will be my personal thoughts on the story and will address any problems I found while reading. Our reviews are written for the benefit of the common reader.
Email the Girls at Inkk
Our Rating System system.
Remember these are our opinions, everyone is entitled to their own. I have loved plenty of books that others have absolutely hated , and visa versa. Lets all play nice and be respectful of everyone opinions. - Katie @ InkkEhh: This book didn't float our boat. Either the plot never got off the ground, or maybe it just wasn't our cup of tea, either way, we didn't think it was a good read. Go on to bigger and better things.
OK: sometimes thats all you can say about a book. it wasn't horrible, i finished it, and i thought it was ok. lacking the extra spark to make it awesome.
Good: A book that i enjoyed. It wasn't "rock my socks" amazing, but it was good. if it is part of a series i will definitely read the following book in hopes of something great.
Great: Wow! a great find, so glad i read it! great characters , plot, you name it! can't wait to see whats in store for the next one.
Inkk-tastic: EPIC book. so good that i gave up tv for a while just to read... so good that even though i have the kindle version, i buy the hardback anyways just to have as part of my bookshelf! They should make a movie about this book, and i MUST tell the world!
- Katie & Krisha @ Inkk.
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