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Top Ten Books Bookish Confessions .
Im almost a 30 year old woman and as awesome as a library is, I just really prefer to buy my own books. I don't have a library card, but I do think that working in a library would be a really cool job !
# 2. I have never read Harry Potter
Yup, go ahead, Shame me. I just can't start a book series that is already that popular and has all the movies made. I am that way with all books. If a book has already been made into a tv show or a movie , its really too late for me to start the books. I like getting into a series before the rest of the world knows about it.

# 3. I still dog-ear my pages
Last year this was one of my top ten confessions as well, and it was one that I really wanted to change. I can say that I did get better, and I don't dog -ear as much as I used to... but last night when I was reading my book in bed and was about to pass out there was just no bookmark to be found.... needless to say its a HARD habit to break for me.. but I will keep working on it.
# 4. Some times I get burnt out on reading.
Yikes, thats a big statements, but what I mean is with all the review books I get its hard not to get burnt out when you keep reading them back to back to back. It tends to loose its *spark*. I definitely have to squeeze in a ME book in-between review books, and sometimes I might have to take a week or off to recharge.
# 5. Im not a fast reader
I will say that I have probably gotten a little faster than I was when we started this blog 2 years ago, but I consider myself to still be a slow reader... definitely slower than Krisha ( she is super fast ). Slow and Steady wins the race. I try and read a chapter here and there throughout the day and I always read a little at bedtime.
Well since I am only half of Inkk Reviews, I'm only going to give you half of the 10. Hope you enjoyed my Top 5 bookish confessions!!
ohmygod! #2,#3,... well I'm actually thinking of reading the Harry Potter series sooner or later... but I'm not really promising myself anything about it (because I might end up not reading it anyway~) Nice list!
ReplyDeleteczai @ the Blacksheep Project
hahah! thanks, I'm glad I'm not alone on those !! thanks for checking out my shaming list! - Katie
DeleteOmg I can't believe there's still so many people that haven't read HP! (I've seen at least 4 people with this confession...) It's my favorite series of all time and I've read it at least 7 times! Will you ever read it or do you feel like its a lost cause? I think everyone should experience it! Even if it's through audiobook!
ReplyDeleteHere's My TTT
I honestly don't think I will ever read it , its just too big of a thing now to go back and try to read it with out having biased ideas about it. I try to get in on a lot of different books on the ground floor WAY before they talk about being made into a movie... some that I have read LONG before there were movies or shows are: The Time Travlers wife, the Hunger Games, Twilight, The Help, Delirium, ... just to name a few.. So Id much rather prefer to find something that isn't a hit yet, and then watch when as everyone else gets addicted. I love to read a book and THEN watch it blow up with popularity and movie deals.. but I don't think I could ever go back to harry potter honestly. ~Katie