Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk
We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two! Take part in our weekly meme and link back to us !
Fourth of July Display

Happy friday Ladies, and let me start by saying... I know I have been off my game the last couple weeks.. its been crazy recently keeping up with life, but I promise to get better..
so HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY !!!!! I know we are not all in america but I love all holidays. I don't tend to decorate in the Americana style, but I do love the subtle way to decorate for the holiday.
This display is so cool. made up of Black beans , white navy beans and red kidney beans. very cool decorating idea.
Check out the Pin Here !
Im going to start doing things a little differently, because I don't want to stop posting Inspired Fridays, but Im trying to make things a little easier on me. So, from now on if you have an awesome Inspirations and a post to share leave your link in the comments below ! I will be sure to check them out and others will know where to go too!
I hope all is well and that you guys have a FABULOUS weekend!!!