Monday, October 8, 2018

Update: Katie's Back !

Image result for tallahassee fl postcard

Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes ! I know I have been out of the reviewing world for quite some time. Life has been chaotic to say the least! Last I updated I was in Memphis TN. My husband Chad and I were there for 3 years, and I found an amazing job while I was there helping recruit physicians to our local hospital, needless to say it took up most of my time. A lot has changed in three years but let me sum it up as best I can so we can get back to books!

  1. This past summer my husband and I moved to Tallahassee Husband took a job here. 
  2. Bought a house!
  3. HAD A BABY, yeah no biggie. Her name is Margo... click "read more" for a photo. 

Baby Margo
I get it .. you may say... "well if you didn't have time before to post you sure don't have time now." Well you might be right, but.... I really  miss this , and I have been finding time to listen to audio books so I am going to make an valiant effort to keep it up this time. I have read / listened to some good reads recently and I would love to be able to share them. 

Anyways that is all I have to update for now. Keep an eye out for more reviews to come ! 

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