Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk
We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two!
Take part in our weekly meme and add your post in the comments!
Take part in our weekly meme and add your post in the comments!
You don't have to actually craft anything to "be inspired". Show us something you maybe have done, want to try, or even a cool looking book nook or library, Whatever inspires you! Happy Weekend!
Happy Friday Guys!!
Well I have been a scarf making machine. A couple of weeks ago I started making a scarf for myself, it turned out great and the feed back was amazing, so needless to say I opened up shop and last night it opened up for business ! So if you need, or know someone who needs a cozy sweater or beanie for the winter season send them my way!
All scarfs are made with 100% soft acrylic yarn, and hand crocheted by myself !
Check out my shop online. WWW.
Hope you all have a great weekend. and if you have anything awesome and inspiring to share please post it in the comments!