Friday, April 18, 2014

Inspired Fridays : DIY Headbands

Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk

 We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two! Take part in our weekly meme and link back to us ! 

You don't have to actually craft anything to "be inspired". Show us something you maybe have done, want to try, or even a cool looking book nook or library, Whatever inspires you! Happy Weekend! 

DIY Headbands 

Happy Friday Guys ! 

lets just say I hope your week has been better than mine! I broke my finger this week. like all the way in half, and to say its been a hard week is putting it lightly. I broke my right ring finger , and yes of course I am right handed. 

Well If I had to find something to be inspired by this week is Headbands. I have been having to wear one every day because I haven't really be able to do my hair properly which can lead to crazy cow licks in the front, so head bands have been the answer to my prayers .

While perusing around Pinterest I found a great tutorial on how to make one your self , minimal sewing required with old shirts or material. I imagine it would have to be a stretchy material to fully function as a head band though.. and also I found a similar link that showed off some awesome colors..

Now I just need to get this finger better in order to make some headbands ~ Katie


  1. OUCH! I'm sorry, Katie, hope it won't be long before it heals completely and you get to manage to do your hair properly! Speaking of, the headbands idea is actually very cool and quite useful. I'm going to save the tutorial, thanks for sharing!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend (despite the broken finger) and I wish you a very Happy Easter!! :)

  2. Ouch! I'm so sorry to hear that you broke your finger. I hope it's almost healed by now! I've been missing Inspired Fridays, so I dropped in to see what everyone else has shared, and I totally love the idea of these headbands, they're so sweet and colorful!
