Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Top Ten Authors we haven't read

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by

This Week's Topic is:

         Top Ten Authors we haven't read      

I am only half of the Inkk Reviews team today, so I feel it right to only have  5 picks... and they are.... ( don't hate me ) ~ Katie

#1 J.K. Rowling 

 Im sure I have plenty of people who are probably yelling at me right now.. sorry I know I know , I'm sure its epic but by the time I wanted to start reading it, it was already such a big thing... and the movie was already out... it was just to late. Now I don't think I can read it this late in the game. 

# 2 John Green

This is not normally my type of genre that I normally read, but I have heard so many good things that I feel the need to see what all the hype is about before the movie "The Fault in our Stars" comes out. 

# 3  Jane Austen

Haven't read any Austen or many "Classics" either.. boo.. I will make it a goal to read one, one of these days. 

# 4 J.R.R. Tolkien

Sorry.. I know The Hobbit and the Lord of the Ring series are HUGE ... but it just got too big too fast..

# 5 George Orwell

I know he has so many great classics, but sadly I haven't read any of them.. not even in school. I am however really interested in reading 1984 one day! 

Whew ... that was really hard to admit to those.. hope I still have friends out there now. Thanks for stopping by our TTT this week!


  1. I love many of the authors you've listed--Austen, Tolkien, Orwell--but yeah, I haven't read any of John Green's books yet either!

    My TTT

  2. I read my first John Green last week--The Fault in Our Stars. It's not normally a genre I gravitate toward, but I really loved the book. I haven't read Austen either. I love the Lord of the Rings Series but I can't get into the hobbit at all. I've tried several times to start the book. I LOVE Orwell, and recently read 1984 for the first time (Animal Farm is one of my favorite books)

    My TTT

  3. I'm always surprised when I see people haven't read Harry Potter! I think it's because I grew up with them. I haven't read any of J.R.R Tolkien though. :-)

  4. Egads Katie, get to it girl. You have some seriously good authors to read!

  5. You need to read a Jane Austen book though....you just need to. However, Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are the only authors I'd recommend you to watch the movie and then read the book.

    1. very interesting Monique ! I might have to try that , there are of course some Jane Austen movies I have seen , but I'm sure i need to re watch them. ~ Katie

  6. I love many of the authors you listed, like Rowling and Tolkien! My TTT: http://takeawalkonthewriteside.blogspot.it/2014/03/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-popular-authors.html

  7. Surprised by how many people I meet who haven't read Harry Potter! Those were milestones for me growing up as the first one was out when I was in 6th grade. About the same age as Harry was I believe!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. 6th grade? I graduated high school and was just starting college when the first book was published ... so i can see now why i didn't catch on to it.. but had i been younger then I can see why I would have read it.. it just wasn't an opportune time for me to read then i guess.. i don't think i read any books for fun or myself until after i graduated college.. for real.. thats a sad story! - katie

  8. I'm also surprised when I see see people haven't read Harry Potter, I must have read those books over 50 times in my days. You have a lot of great books to look forward to! :)
    Here's my TTT

  9. Great list, I still cant believe so many people haven't read Harry Potter haha, you should try as soon as possible, its a great series. Also, anything John Green puts his name to is a masterpiece haha.

    My TTT

  10. IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO READ HARRY POTTER! It's a timeless classic! I'm currently listening to it for the first time through audiobook and I'm falling for it all over again. Give it a try, I'm sure you'll love it!

    Here's My TTT

  11. LOL! Great list! I've read J.K. Rowling's HP series but only up to book 3 and I've read J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and really enjoyed it. The other authors you have listed I haven't read either. I'm more of a Fantasy genre reader, so the classics and contemporary books don't really make my lists.
    Check out my TTT list @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
    xoxox ♥ New follower :)

  12. You can so read HP this late in the game!! It's never too late for that magic! I can't talk though bc I haven't read The Hunger Games yet!! Or Jane Austen! But yeah John Green is amazing. I would rec him to anybody!

    My TTT

    1. ha ha ha.. well ill start HP if you start the Hunger Games, deal? Katie

  13. You can still read HP!!!! You just can! TFIOS is one of my favorite books. I hope you get a chance to read them.

  14. Good list, I've only read about half of the Harry Potter series but as I get older and hear more about how the movies changed things I find myself wanting to read the latter books in the series more and more rather than less probably because I care less about how a story ends then how it is told which from what I gather the books and the movies tell the story in two very different ways. I've loved the books that I have read by John Green and I would recommend them. I've tried to read Jane Austen books in the past and I just couldn't get in to them, I just found the writing really dull and dry and I didn't care about or like any of the characters. I did read 1984 and I actually liked it quite a bit although it's a dystopian book I wouldn't think of it as similar to the more recent dystopian series that have come out because it ends up the way it logically should.

  15. Just wanted to let y'all know that I nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award.
    Check out my info on my blog @ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
