Saturday, March 8, 2014

Stacking the Shelves (12)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviws, where we get to show off what great books we got recently.

Unfortunately we can't stack our shelves every week but when we get some goodies in we will be sure to let you know! 

For Review


Bought / Given

The Entire Shatter Me Series- Tahereh Mafi

Last week I bought the E-book Version of Ignite me, and I also have the kindle versions of the rest of the Shatter me series as well.. however, I read Ignite Me in ONE DAY and I am so utterly in love with this series that it was just one of those that I had to own a physical copy to sit pretty on my book shelf!

does that ever happen to you or is it just me. If love a series that much I have to have a copy on my shelf!

What new goodies did you get! Let us know!!


  1. Hell yea! That super awesome! Lucky gal xoxo

  2. How great to have the whole series! :-) I loved it. Especially Ignite Me.

  3. Oh nice! I read Shatter Me already, have the novella combo book and Unravel Me! Wanted to read those first before adding Ignite Me on the pile!

    And YES! I do that too! I'll buy an ebook cheap like 99 cents and then I somehow buy the real copy! Of course, I have to say the times that it happens, it's because I am getting a really good deal! And for at least 2 books that I can recall for sure, were freely given and signed so I wasn't turning those away even though I had them on my kindle! Great haul!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I only acquired one new book this week. The Secret Kiss of Darkness by Christina Courtenay came in the mail a couple of days ago -- I won it in a blog giveaway! So that's what I'm reading this weekend!

    1. yay! i LOVE winning books, what a great feeling, i hope you enjoy it!! - Katie

  5. YESS the Shatter Me series (Y) I needed all of them on my shelves too! They're gorgeous <3

    My haul

  6. Great haul! That happens to me all the time. If I read an eBook and love it I tend to buy a hardcopy for my shelves, it's hard to resist so I don't try to anymore. And the covers for the Shatter Me series are stunning too :)

    My StS

    Ashton @ Morphys Book Blog

    1. I know the covers are sooooo pretty! way back when i got my first kindle i told myself how much money i would save on buying real books....WRONG!!! I spend twice as much money because i love the convenience of reading on the kindle but then i love the physical book to have on my shelf... dang.. but when a spectacular series comes along such as this one... i just have to have it! - Katie

  7. Nice haul. I have the first two books in this series but haven't got to them yet, I really, really need to hurry up and read it! I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.
