Friday, March 14, 2014

Inspired Fridays: Growing plants from food scraps

Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk

 We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two! Take part in our weekly meme and link back to us ! 

You don't have to actually craft anything to "be inspired". Show us something you maybe have done, want to try, or even a cool looking book nook or library, Whatever inspires you! Happy Weekend! 

Grow Plants from Food Scraps

Happy Friday!

so the weather is slowly getting nice outside, and its time to start growing things again.. there was this pin on pinterest I came across last year, 

15 Food you can regrow from scraps.

and oh gosh these are amazing tricks. I have re grown scallions and a pineapple from scraps, but my pride and joy in my avocado plant!  Here is MY avocado tree that I am growing. Unfortunately it probably gets too cold here for me to plant it outside, but it is doing well in a pot, might have to get a bigger pot soon though. 

My Avocodo Tree I am growing from a pit. 


  1. This is nice! I've never done something like that before, but I'd like to give this one a go for sure.
    Also, your Avocado Tree looks lovely, Katie!! Well done :)

    1. yay thanks, honestly i love plants but i am super surprised its still making it.. i don't nesessarily have a green thumb - Katie

  2. So this is probably terrible to share but I live in South Florida. We have a huge Avocado tree and a Plantain plant. We are also growing a mango tree along with papaya.

    1. oh i know jess.. my grandparents live in miami and their back yard it full of avocodo trees mango, papaya , sugar canes and pine apple.. i wish i could grow all that in my yard! love it! - Katie

  3. I've seen the one for the avocado, but I've never tried it. Yours looks amazing! You're doing such a great job with it. I'm pinning the page for tips. Thanks for sharing! =)

    1. thanks girl!! im always surprised when i can grow things like that!! - Katie
