Friday, February 14, 2014

Inspired Friday: State Shaped Bookcase

Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk

 We love crafting and Pinterest just as much as we love books, so why not combine the two! Take part in our weekly meme and link back to us ! 

You don't have to actually craft anything to "be inspired". Show us something you maybe have done, want to try, or even a cool looking book nook or library, Whatever inspires you! Happy Weekend! 

State Shaped Bookcase  

Happy Friday!

I hope you guys have a great weekend in store, check out this awesome bookcase!

I love this bookcase because its an amazing and LARGE display piece as well as something I can put my books in! 

My husband and I seem to move to a different state every couple of years so I think this would be a great fit in our house, now i just need someone to build one for me , lol... 

....easier said than done.. 

but I do think its totally inspiring , if i ever get crafty with a jigsaw or other wood cutting tools I will have to give it a shot!


  1. It would be an epic bookcase and perfect for you and your husband if you move so much! My husband and I are musicians, and I saw this: recently. It's not as epic as yours, but it feels perfect for us! ;-)

    1. awwww that is so cute Hazel, i love it! that would be perfect for you guys! check out this piano, i think its pretty epic ! ~ Katie

  2. I knew this bookcase and I clearly remember I wanted it as soon as I put my eyes on it! Really gorgeous!!

    1. yayyyy! glad you love it!!! happy valentines by the way to both of you! have a great one! ~Katie

  3. That is so cool and then you could put books that remind of each state or that take place in that specific state. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That's such a great idea, Jess! Organizing the books by their state! Now I feel like getting a really huge world map one! LOL! Like I'll have any place to put it.

    2. i have so seen an idea before where you take a map and put a pin in a specific spot when ever you ever travel there via book , like if a book takes places in a certain town or area. also a great idea for a library !
