Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Top Ten Series We'd like to start but haven't yet

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by

This Week's Topic is:

                     Top Ten Series                    

          We'd like to start but haven't yet          

#1 The Lorien Legacies  (I Am Number Four)       

Pittacus Lore

Katie: I guess I haven't gotten into this series because I watched the movie, long before I ever knew it was a book.  I always try to read books first, I don't like to read book after I have seen the movie first... same thing kinda happened with Harry Potter, never read it because I had already watched it. Anyways, I really really LOVED the movie, so I have been meaning to pick up this series to see what happens after the movie stopped. 

#2 Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods)

Melissa De la Cruz

Krisha: I've seen some great reviews around the blogosphere about this series. I know, I know. It's yet another vampire story line.  It doesn't focus around any mortals, so maybe it's a step up?  

#3 Partials Sequence ( Partials ) 

Dan Wells 

Katie: Believe it or not i have Partials and Fragments on my book shelf. Both won from two different giveaways. I really want to read these soon, they look soo good, and they stare me down at night... they chant " read me, read me"

#4 The Lunar Chronicles (Cinder)

Marissa Meyer

Krisha: I feel like the LAST PERSON ON EARTH to have read this book.  Katie received it a while back and even carved a cool pumpkin at Halloween inspired by the book.  I need to read it STAT!

#5 Mortal Instruments (City of Bones)

Cassandra Clare

Katie: Like I said I am a sucker for books that are becoming movies, I picked up Beautiful Creatures just for the sole purpose of watching the movie and seeing how they book and film were related. When I hear a book is getting made into a movie I am all over it.... So now that I saw the preview for City of Bones and it makes me really want to get into this series. 

#6 Caster Chronicles (Beautiful Creatures)

Margaret Stohl & Kami Garcia

Krisha: Same as The Luna Chronicles.  Still feeling like the last person on earth.  And I don't want to see the movie until I read the book.

#7 The Wicked Years (Wicked)

Gregory Mcguire, Douglas Smith

Katie: To start with, I love musicals! I would die to be able to go to Broadway and watch Wicked! First off, there is singing and dancing, secondly, it's a fairy tale rewriting from a "villains" POV, I really wished I had gotten into this series and I hope to read it one day... and watch it!

*interrupting side note from Krisha: This first time I read this book was 15 years ago and has been a favorite ever since.  I have DEMANDED that Katie read this many times!  Maybe I need to send her a copy...

#8 Kane Chronicles (The Red Pyramid)

Rick Riordan 

Krisha: I have read almost every Riordan book.  I think my hesitation lies in that I can't decide if I really want to read about the Egyptian gods.  These books sit at the bottom of my TBR list.  Maybe it'll get bumped up soon over my sheer love for Riordan's writing style.

#9 Lux Series (Obsidian)

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Katie: I have no idea why I haven't read the Lux Series by Armentrout. I have read the Covenant series, which I love, and I have heard soooo many good things about the Lux series. I really hope to read it soon!

#10 Wildwood Chronicles (Wildwood)

Colin Meloy & Carson Ellis

Krisha: I was in the middle grades section of Barnes & Noble and saw the cover of these books and fell in love.  The pages have this natural fiber texture and the artwork is so pretty and unique.  Yup, judging a book by it's cover.

Thanks for stopping by our TTT this week!


  1. Ah now that I see your list I forgot about Blue Bloods, I think I have almost all the books but havent been able to start.

    and if there is one series of your list I tell a to READ NOW, its the LUX series. If you loved the Covenant you'll love just as hard the Lux.


  2. Don't sit on The Lorien Legacies! Soooo good! As is Cinder. Wicked was good. I need to start Partials, TMI, The Kane Chronicles and get back into the Caster Chronicles.

    1. Thank Melody! i soo want to read The Lorien Legacies, glad to hear you liked it, Wicked too! thanks for checking out our list! - Katie

  3. oh my goodness how did I leave the lux series off my list?!!!!! I love the covenant books

    I absolutely adore the mortal instrument books and cinder (like some of my all time favs) and partials, the kane chronicles and the beautiful creatures books are good fun too!

    Marissa @ Rae Gun Ramblings

    1. wow Marissa you might be the only Person i know that has read the covenant series but not Lux series. I hope we both get to read it soon! thanks for checking out our list! So many books so little time! - Katie

  4. Lux made my list too!! I've had the first book since before Christmas, just haven't gotten to it yet :( I also need to read Cinder soon!! Cool list.

    Here's My TTT

    1. I can't wait to read LUX and i know.. i feel bad.. i think im making a habit of having great unread series on my bookshelf! not good! thanks for stopping by! - Katie

  5. Good list, I have The Lunar Chronicles and Mortal Instruments series on my list as well. I've also been meaning to read The Caster Chronicles. Also I loved what I've read of The Kane Chroincles.

    1. I have read the Lunar and Caster Chronicles.. Cinder was AAAAMMMAZING! and i really want to read the Kan chronicles as well! thanks for checking out our list! - katie

  6. We are definitely on the same page. I just recently knocked out Cinder, Obsidian, and the first two of the Immortal Instruments series. Glad to know you're not too far behind me. And the rest look fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my birthday Tuesday memes post

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

    1. sweet! I can't wait to read the Immortal Instruments sounds amazing. thanks for stopping by Danica! - Katie

  7. I have to read the last book, but I love the Beautiful Creature's series! :)

    1. oh yaaaa so glad to hear! I have only read book one, can't wait to read the others, what did you think about the movie , have you seen it? -Katie

  8. The Lorien Legacies is rather good. I would recommend that to a lot of my friends :)

    1. awesome, ! so great to hear, i really loved the movie and the plot line, I do hope to read it soon! - Katie

  9. Don't worry! You're not the last person to read Cinder...I still haven't read it! >.<

    I've read I Am Number Four and the Power of Six, need to read the Rise of Nine now! :)

    I also still need to read The Mortal Instruments series, I first want to read The Infernal Devices trilogy before though, as it's a prequel series to the Mortal Instruments :D So with Clockwork Princess being released soon, I will finish TDI and then go onto TMI! :D

    New GFC follower!:)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My Top Ten Tuesday!Post

  10. Oh gosh, Wildwood. Why do middle grade books have the best covers ever? They're all cute and illustrated and awesome. Also, this one was written by the lead singer from my favorite band, which bumps it to the top of my need-to-read-immediately list.

    Also Cinder. You really need to get on that. So good. (but then you'll be stuck waiting ages for Cress and Winter like the rest of us chumps, so maybe you have something there...)

  11. Please, please, please, go and read Cinder as soon as possible! It is absolutely perfect! :)

    I'm reading Partials at the moment and it's pretty good. The first two books from The mortal Instruments were fun, but I hated the third book. That's why I decided to stop - at least for now.

    I'm also very excited to try Wicked! Great picks.

    Top 10 Tuesday - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  12. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person left in the world who hasn't read a certain series. And than I see all your lists and I'm not the only one! Like the Lux series! Heard amazing things about it and even own the first book! I should really get to that soon!

    My favorite on your list is definitely Partials. It's awesome!

    My TTT

    1. ha ha, so glad im not the only one not to have read the lux series! and im so glad you liked partials, i have BOTH BOOKS on my shelf.. * Stupid* - Katie

  13. I have heard good things about The Lunar Chronicles, but haven't picked them up yet, so you are not the last person on earth to read these books.

  14. So many series I've loved on your list! The Lunar Chronicles is amazing, and I absolutely adore the Mortal Instruments. Great list!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My Top Ten

  15. I have Wicked on my list as well. I LOVE the musical, and I know that the book is a bit different but I've still always wanted to read it, and see things through Elphaba's point of view.

    1. i sooo want to see the musical , that would be amazing, i have heard the song defying gravity on Glee and fell in love ! I am a big fan of different POV's . thanks for stopping by allison! - Katie

  16. You are not the last person on earth who hasn't read Cinder! I'm with ya, but also hoping to change that soon. I love The Mortal Instrument books, as the prequel series. The only other book up there I have read is the Beautiful Creatures and I still need to read the rest! Great list and I hope you get to read some of them soon!

    My Top Ten

  17. I still have to read Cinder and Partials too. :) The Mortal Instruments series was good, I felt the Blue Bloods series really lost some steam towards the end, and the Red Pyramid series isn't better than Percy but still worth the read. Or so I think at least. :) Good luck getting some of these knocked out!
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  18. Lunar Chronicles and Lux also made it to my list. I own the first book in Beautiful Creatures but haven't gotten to it yet, unfortunately.

    1. i can't wait to read lux, Beautiful Creatures was good and CINDER WAS AMAZING must read! thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! - Katie

  19. Cinder and Beautiful Creaatures are on my list too! I also want to read I Am Number Four, but it didnt make it to the top10 :)
    Top 10 Tuesdays

  20. I loved the Lunar Chronicles, it is the best thing ever! I loved Cinder and can't wait to read scarlet. I have yet to read Partials or the Lux series either, but they are up there on my TBR list!
    Check out my Top Ten!

  21. I LOVED Cinder! I mean, really loved it, and I hate anything even remotely science fiction. Cinder and Scarlet definitely deserve all the hype. Marissa Meyer is super talented.

    The Lux series is just so much fun. Lots of sexual tension, and the characters are great. Well, Daemon is a total jerk in Obsidian, but you understand why. And he gets super dreamy and all swoonworthy in the second and third books.

    I love The Mortal Instruments! I can't wait for the movie. I've read the first three, which actually is sort of a completed series. They are fantastic.

    Seriously, I need about an extra year of just reading time to be able to read all the books I want to. :)

  22. You def should read Obsidian soon! I love that series so much!

    1. Thanks, i really hope i can read it this year! I am a big fan of JLA's other series. ! - Katie

  23. Oh my goodness, CINDER <3 I hope you read it soon and love it as much as I did! I also really enjoyed the Mortal Instruments and Lorien Legacies. I couldn't get into Beautiful Creatures, but I've heard great things. And the Wildwood cover is just <3

  24. I Am Number Four was a good "one-time read" for me -- I would never re-read these books, but they are enjoyable. The first movie was very close to the book, so if you really don't want to read it after seeing the movie, you probably could just skip to the next book if you wanted.

    Also, I loved Wicked the musical -- but the books? They are seriously weird. I read the first two, but I still couldn't tell you exactly what happened. I'm glad Krisha enjoyed it, but it was just a little too bizarre for me!

    1. Thanks Christine, thats awesome that the movie was similar to the book, you don't find that too often. Thanks for the heads up! I haven't seen the musical or read wicked, but i know i would love love love the musical 100% - Katie

  25. The Lunar Chronicles are on my list too so you are definitely not the last person on the planet to have read them, although I understand how you feel completely!

  26. CITY OF BONES! I love that series! It's definitely worth a read. And I have I Am Number Four on my list too. Great list! :)
    New follower :)

    My TTT

    Halee @ Confessions of a Book Addict

    1. yay so glad to hear you love it! i can't wait to check it out halee! thanks! - katie

  27. I read Wicked years ago,and liked it a lot, but never got around to the rest of the books. Nice list!
