Sunday, February 17, 2013

Quote of the Week 2/17

A little-Known fact about me: I read all the time. Books were the one thing that got me out of Gatlin, even if it was only for a little while. I had a map on my wall, and every time I read about a place I wanted to go, I marked it on the map. New York was Catcher in the Rye. Into the Wild got me to Alaska. When I read On the Road, I added Chicago, Denver, L.A., and Mexico City. Kerouac could get you pretty much everywhere. Ever few months, I drew a line to connect the marks. A thin green line I'd follow on a road trip, the summer before college, if I ever got out of this town. 
-  Ethan Wate  ( Beautiful Creatures

So I just finished Beautiful Creatures the other day, and I'm going today to go watch the movie (book and movie review to come soon). This is a paragraph from the very beginning of the book, before Ethan's small and sleepy town gets well... a little less sleepy. I marked this paragraph from the very beginning because I just thought it was oozing the definition of books taking you places! What a great idea to have a map and point out all the places you have been to in book! I love it, and may have to get a map of my own. 

Happy Reading, hope you all had a great weekend! 

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