Inspired Fridays is a weekley meme hosted by us @ Inkk
We would love for you to take part in Inspired Fridays, and show us what inspires you, weather it be a project you have done, want to do, or even a sweet library or book nook. Link back to us and show us what inspires you!
So i know that this is not necessarily a "bookish" pinterest pick.. however i did use this recipie to make me and my blog sister Krisha some "Inkk"ornaments! check them out. iF you like them let me know. i will make one for one lucky winner chosen at random from the comments at the end of the day, and it can say whatever you want , blog name, your name, pets name. WHATEVER! so leave a comment, let me know what you think.. these are super easy to make for your kids, or the kid in you!
I used to do these type things all the time with the kids at Christmas but I totally forgot about it the past couple years! I think I know what I will be doing next week now! Thanks for sharing!!!