Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Kick Ass Heroines

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by 

Broke and The Bookish

This Week's Topic is:

Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines

#1 & 2 Katniss Everdeen  

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games) by Suzanne Collins  

Krisha : Katniss is so kick ass.  She hunts, takes care of her family, is strong emotionally and physically, and is quick on her feet.  I sometimes think about those who were a part of the women's suffrage movement a hundred years ago and wonder if they had ever dreamed a book character this independent   She's amazing!

Katie: For sure, Katniss is such a BA ! she keeps getting put in horrible situations, not just having to go into the hunger games once, but twice. she will do anything to stay alive. she is a survivor for sure! 

# 3 & 4 Tris Prior  

from Divergent by Veronica Roth  

Krisha: Tris is just as kick ass as Katniss.  She's tiny but fearless.  She made decisions that I know I'd never would have been able to make.
Katie: Tris is a different kind of kick ass heroine, she had a choice, she could have been "safe" and stay in the faction she was born into, but she chose to be dauntless. she is the bravest most selfless "person" i know! 

# 5 & 6 Waverly Marshall 

Glow (Sky Chasers) by Amy Kathleen Ryan  

Krisha: Waverly was a leader and really stepped up when others needed her.  She doesn't let the guys in her "love triangle" make decisions for her.  She goes with gut instinct, sometimes with severe consequences, and I can appreciate that.

Katie: I think she is the most un-acknowledged heroine. after facing indescribable challenges she rescues  her people and brings them back home. but later on is ostracized for not rescuing ever last person. 

# 7  Linh Cinder

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer

Katie: First off she is a mechanic.. oh yeah.. and a cyborg. Shes not your typical "cinderella" swooning over a prince. the Prince keeps persistently flirting with her, she turns him down one too many times ... but when she is faced with a decision of either saving her self or saving the prince.. and the whole planet from the evil queen, she doesn't even flinch. Cinder is a Total BA 

# 8 Hermoine Granger

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter) by J.K. Rowling   

Krisha: Born a "mud-blood", Hermoine was taunted for not coming from a pure wizard family.  She worked very hard, not to be better than anyone else, but to become the best she could be.  And that was nothing short of amazing.  She helped stand up for others even when that wasn't a popular choice.  And that is kick ass.

# 9 Tally Youngblood 

The Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld

Katie: Tally is Such a serious BA . It was a long road getting there. starting with book one as an innocent 16 year old Ugly to the super serious rebel leader. Tally is an altered "special" whos constant battle is not just against fighting the people that made her this way, but she is also in a war with herself. 

#10 Laura Ingalls 

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder   

Krisha: An unexpected and way different choice from our heroines above, but I think she holds her own.  Life in prairie times were really hard.  She loved her family and lived through a tough time during America's pioneering days.  Plus, these books are based on a true story.  Awesome!


What a fun topic!  As self-proclaimed strong women, Katie and I can usually recognize a kick ass heroine just by reading the back of a book.  We hope you enjoy our list this week!       ~Krisha

Sweet topic for sure. i could go on and on! SERIOUSLY my runner ups were Annabeth from the Percy Jackson Series, and Lina from City of Ember. What are your favorite Heroines ? let us know in the comments, and happy reading ! -Katie


  1. I really like how you both agreed on many of your choices. Great list. I think it's a great thing that you can go on and on with more choices. It's fantastic that there are so many novels with strong female characters in them.

    1. oh yes, we think alike, and read mostly the same books . and i swear ever monday night we seperatly make our top five list . and when we put them together, we usually at least share one or two picks. yes it is great that strong females have been the trend these days. this says alot, and we have for sure come a long way. thanks kate for stopping by!

      Katie @ Inkk

  2. Replies
    1. thanks mel, i love this topic, the chics are BA's for sure. thanks for stopping by! Katie @ Inkk

  3. Hermione, Tris and Katniss are very popular today - and with good reason!I am so excited to read Cinder as well - I'm sure she's awesome.

    1. yes those three are very obvious choices, but as given as they are, i can't not put them on the list! they have earned their spot! i can't wait for you to read cinder, she is super tough, she would get along well with katniss i think... if fictional characters got to hang out. ;)
      thanks for stopping by! - Katie @ Inkk

  4. *claps for Katniss*

    My TTT: http://shelversanon.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-tuesday-i-am-no-man.html
